Are Continuous Testing able to keep up with the pace of continuous deployment?

In a typical DevOps and Agile framework, continuous deployment is inevitable for the software development process. Banking and financial applications are dynamic and undergo multiple changes frequently, owing to changing…

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10 Critical Steps in Testing the Business and System Upgrade Projects of Banks

Mission-critical banking applications are those that cannot afford to face downtime. These banking applications must meet the strict sprint deadline because banks prioritize customer trust Mission-critical banking applications are those…

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Importance of test code quality in continuous testing of financial applications

The global pandemic (2020-2021) had led to unanticipated issues such as economic crisis and credit risk. The upcoming years looked uncertain while facing a critical The global pandemic (2020-2021) had…

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Ensuring the quality of Mission-critical banking apps while meeting sprint deadlines

Mission-critical banking applications are those that cannot afford to face downtime. These banking applications must meet the strict sprint deadline because banks prioritize customer trust Mission-critical banking applications are those…

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